
Sunday, 13 May 2012

Using computers and distributed networks

computers and distributed networks
With the introduction of graphic user interface (GUI) the simple computer machine of yesterday has become then intelligent system capable of performing multiple and complicated tasks. It can now use multimedia, access the World Wide Web, import visuals, graphs and images from across the globe. Today fresh graduates are expected to perform many tasks based on their computer expertise, tasks which were once the domain of web statisticians or graphic programmers.
The electronic mail has had a deep impact on modern communications especially within organizations connected to business and technology. Don Tapscott in The Digital Economy (1995) says that emails have changes the way organizations conduct business. Emails are used for cooperative research, planning and international business. List servers are used to develop resources for professional development.
The speed of the Internet in business technology has created more pressure on the professional to develop research and communication skills. Employers want to access relevant information with speed and accuracy. Graduates at universities are increasingly using www to write electronic documents and provide persuasive assignments. The level of submitted assignments at universities is radically different from those submitted two decades ago.
There have been lots of unforeseen effects from the Internet as well. State governments and organizations are constantly conducting surveillance of private spaces and censoring them to preserve the status quo. As individual accessibility of the Internet grows the issues connected to conflict and change need better management. Today young graduates who let the Internet do everything for them, require more focused writing, research skills, theoretical understanding of systems and critical thinking skills.
Online Groups
Today we find online groups or communities based on a particular interest growing on the Internet. It would be interesting to investigate an online community and write about is web presence. It is possible to find web communities through particular interest categorization such as sports (cricket, baseball, and soccer), trading (eBay) or social networking (Facebook, mixi, Twitter). It is also possible to use a medium to locate communities such as P2P (peer-to-peer) , file sharing, MSN, Google, ICQ, Chat, Skype, newsgroups, blogs, MUDs, virtual worlds, magazines, alternate news sources, magazines, linked websites (webrings).  
The computer has been instrumental in connecting us to the work. Powerful networks based on the digital technologies have had a deep influence on every aspect of life ranging from business and politics to education and industry. The PC has divided the world into those who use it and those who do not. There have been complaints about the negative effects of computer communication especially connected to the emerging trajectories of exploitation and social alienation. Those who profit by the digital media try to promote its efficacious benefits, while those who do not complain of its evils.

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