The vocabulary belongs to different disciplines, so please choose the one which is relevant for you. "A Complete List of Modern English Words" is for all.
1. built: of sound or sturdy construction
2. demonstrated: explain, describe, illustrate
3. developed: grow or expand
4. enhanced: intensify, magnify
5. facilitated: to assist the progress, make easy
6. generated: produce, bring into existence
7. impacted: forceful contact, influence, effect
8. implemented: put into effect
9. negotiated: bargain for contract, business deal
10. revitalized: renew
Sales & Marketing Words
11. closed: having a barrier or boundary, concluded
12. collaborated: cooperate
13. delivered: to carry and give
14. drove: move a group
15. established: found, build
16. generated: to bring into existence, produce
17. increased: to make greater in size, number or quality
18. presented: to bring, offer, give
19. prospected: outlook for future
20. retained: to keep in possession, to use
Technical Words
21. analysed: to examine critically
22. built: of sound or sturdy construction
23. consulted: to provide information or advice
24. created: to make, happen, exist
25. escalated: to become greater, more serious
26. formatted: general arrangement, plan, design
27. integrated: combining two or more things to make them work
28. maintained: to make something continue at the same level
29. programmed: giving a computer instructions to perform a task
30. supported: to help or encourage
31. trouble-shooter: a person helping to solve problems in a company
Academic Words
32. applied: used in a practical way not theoretical
33. authored: written
34. counselled: professional advice
35. developed: to become bigger, more advanced, stronger
36. educated: having been to a school, college or university, trained
37. evaluated: opinion of the amount, quality, or value of something
38. mentored: an experienced person’s help
39. nourished: provide with food to keep alive
40. researched: a careful study of a subject to discover new facts
41. taught: to give lessons to students to help them learn something
42. tutored: to be taught something
Healthcare Words
43. assigned: give work or responsibility to someone
44. assessed: judge about the nature or quality of something
45. assisted: to help
46. cared: providing what someone needs for health or protection
47. charged: amount of money for goods or services
48. provided: to give something to someone
49. monitored: to watch and check something over a period of time
50. nursed: to take care of injury or illness
51. secured: guarded and made stronger
Accounting Words
52. analysed: to examine the nature or structure of something
53. audited: official examination of business or financial records
54. justified: to show that something is right and reasonable
55. verified: checked as correct
56. prepared: to make something read to be used
57. processed: series of things done to achieve a particular result
58. reported: to give some information about something
59. researched: careful study of a subject
60. reviewed: a careful examination intending to change something
Complete List of Modern English Words
A61. abated: calmed down
62. abbreviated: shortened
63. abolished: to officially end a law, system or an institution
64. abridged: to make a book short so as to leave out parts
65. absolved: statement that someone is not guilty of something
66. absorbed: to take something and learn and understand it
67. accelerated: to make something happen faster or earlier
68. acclimated: welcome, loud applause
69. accompanied: to travel or go somewhere with somebody
70. accomplished: very good at a particular thing
71. achieved: realized
72. acquired: procure, to get
73. acted: to do a particular thing
74. activated: to start something or a process
75. actuated: to make a machine or a device start to work
76. adapted: to change something to make it suitable for new use
77. added: to put together with something else
78. advance: to bring into consideration, notice
79. addressed: to think about a problem or a situation
80. adhered: to follow a rule, process or a principle
81. adjusted: to change something slightly to make it more suitable
82. administered: to give, manage or organize
83. admitted: allowed entry
84. adopted: to use a particular method or attitude
85. advanced: to employ recently developed ideas or methods
86. advertised: to tell the public about a product
87. advised: to tell someone what they should do
88. advocated: publicly recommended
89. affected: to produce a change
90. aided: to help
91. aired: advertised
92. allocated: to give money or space for a particular purpose
93. altered: to make changes to clothing, landscape et cetera
94. amended: to change law, document or statement
95. amplified: to increase something in strength especially sound
96. analysed: to examine the nature or structure of something
97. answered: something you say or write in response to a question
98. anticipated: to expect something and it happens
99. applied: to make something work in a particular way
100. appointed: to arrange or decide on a time to do something
101. appraised: to consider or examine something
102. approached: to come near to something
103. approved: something is good, acceptable or suitable
104. arbitrated: to officially settle an argument or dispute
105. arranged: to plan or organize something
106. articulated: to express or explain your thoughts
107. ascertained: to find out the correct or true information
108. asked: to request permission to do something
109. assembled: to come together as a group for a specific purpose
110. assessed: to judge the nature or quality of something, evaluated
111. assigned: to give something for use
112. assisted: to help
113. assumed: to accept something as true without proof
114. attained: to get something after a lot of effort
115. attracted: to pull, to be drawn towards something or someone
116. audited: to officially examine business or financial accounts
117. augmented: to increase the amount, value or size
118. authored: written by
119. authorized: to give official permission to somebody
120. automated: to use machines or computers
121. awarded: officially give something to someone
122. balanced: proper arrangement or adjustment, in proportion
123. bargained: advantageous purchase; transaction between parties
124. began: to commence, start or proceed
125. benchmarked: a standard of excellence to measure other things
126. benefited: something that is advantageous or good
127. bid: to set a price one would pay or charge
128. billed: a statement of money owed for goods/services supplied
129. blocked: to obstruct by placing obstacles
130. bolstered: to support or uphold something
131. boosted: to increase, raise, lift
132. borrowed: to take something with the promise to return
133. bought: to acquire or possess
134. branded: trademark of a manufacturer
135. breakthrough: advance, achievement
136. bridged: connect
137. broadened: extend, enlarge, expand
138. brought: to carry, convey, conduct
139. budgeted: an estimate of expected income and expense
140. built: to construct, assemble, join
141. buttress: support a structure, a prop
142. calculated: ascertained mathematically
143. canvassed: to solicit votes, opinions, subscriptions
144. captured: to take by force or stratagem
145. cast: to throw or conjecture
146. catalogued: to list or record items for sale or for a manual
147. categorized: to arrange in classes; classify
148. centralized: to bring under one control or authority
149. chaired: seat of office or authority
150. challenged: demand an explanation or justification
151. changed: to make different
152. channelled: to direct towards a particular course
153. charted: to outline showing special conditions
154. checked: to prove to be right, correct
155. circulated: to pass from place to place, person to person
156. clarified: to make an idea or statement clear or intelligible
157. classified: arrange or distribute into classed specimen
158. cleared: easily seen, sharply defined
159. coached: to be instructed or advised
160. co-authored: one of two or more joint authors
161. collaborated: to work with one another, cooperate
162. collected: brought or placed together
163. combined: joined or united
164. commissioned: an authoritative order, charge or direction
165. committed: to give in trust or charge, consign
166. communicated: to impart or transmit knowledge
167. compiled: to put together documents in one book
168. completed: finished, ended, concluded
169. complied: to put together documents or selections
170. composed: to form something by combining parts
171. computed: to determine something by calculation
172. conceived: to form a notion, opinion or purpose
173. conceptualized: to form a concept or think in concepts
174. condensed: to reduce in volume, area, length
175. conducted: way of acting , behaviour, deportment
176. conserved: to manage resources wisely
177. consolidated: brought together into a single whole
178. constructed: to make by putting parts together, frame or devise
179. consulted: to seek advice or information, get guidance
180. contributed: to give something for a common purpose
181. controlled: to exercise restraint or direction
182. converted: transmute, transform, change into something else
183. conveyed: to carry from one place to another, transport
184. convinced: to make someone agree by argument or evidence
185. coordinated: to act in a harmonious combination
186. corrected: united, joined or linked
187. counselled: advised or instructed
188. created: to cause something to come into being
189. critiqued: detailed evaluation, review
190. cultivated: to develop or improve by education or training
191. customized: to modify or build according to specifications
192. cut: to divide something
193. dealt: to take action with respect to a thing or person
194. debated: a discussion involving opposing views
195. debugged: to remove defects or errors
196. decentralized: to distribute administrative powers or functions
197. decreased: to diminish or lessen
198. deferred: postponed or delayed
199. defined: to state the meaning, identify
200. delivered: to give into another’s possession
201. demonstrated: to make evident or establish by argument
202. depreciated: devalue
203. described: to depict in written or spoken words
204. designated: indicate, show or specify
205. designed: prepare preliminary sketch or plan
206. detected: to discover the existence of
207. determined: decided, settled, resolved
208. developed: to grow, expand, elaborate
209. devised: to contrive, plan, elaborate
210. diagnosed: to determine the identity of , determine
211. directed: guided, regulated or managed
212. discovered: get knowledge of, learn or find
213. dispatched: to send, transact, dispose
214. dissembled: to mask, hide, camouflage
215. distinguished: noted, eminent
216. distributed: dispersed, divide, give
217. diversified: distributed amongst several types
218. divested: to deprive or rid
219. doubled: twofold or twice
220. educated: undergone education, cultured
221. eased: to lessen difficulty or effort
222. earned: to merit a compensation for service rendered
223. educated: undergone education, cultured
224. effected: something produced by agency or cause, result
225. elicited: to draw, bring forth
226. eliminated: to remove, get rid of
227. emphasized: to lay stress on
228. enabled: to make it possible, to give power
229. encouraged: to inspire or give confidence
230. endorsed: to improve, support or sustain
231. enforced: to put in force, compel
232. engaged: busy or involved
233. engineered: to manage something skilfully or artfully
234. enhanced: to raise the value or price of something
235. enlarged: to make large or big
236. enlisted: to enrol voluntarily in an organization
237. enriched: to add greater value or significance to
238. ensured: to secure or guarantee
239. established: to institute or build
240. examined: to observe or investigate carefully
241. exceeded: to go beyond quality or degree
242. exchanged: to give up something for something else
243. executed: to carry out or accomplish
244. exempted: to become free from obligation or liability
245. expanded: increased in area, bulk or volume
246. expedited: to hasten, speed up the progress of
247. explored: to traverse, scrutinize or look into closely
248. exposed: left without shelter or protection
249. extended: stretched or prolonged
250. extracted: to pull, draw out, deduce
F251. fabricated: to construct by assembling parts or sections
252. facilitated: to make easier or less difficult
253. fashioned: prevailing custom or style
254. fielded: to answer or reply skilfully
255. financed: to provide revenue or resources
256. focused: a central point
257. forecasted: to predict or calculate in advance
258. formalized: authorize, accept
259. formed: shape, body, defined area
260. formulated: to develop or express in precise form
261. fortified: to protect or strengthen
262. founded: equipped, furnished
263. fulfilled: to carry out, realize, perform
264. furnished: to provide or supply
265. furthered: advance something
G266. gained: to get or acquire
267. gathered: to bring together or assemble
268. gauged: to determine the exact dimension of something
269. generated: to bring into existence, to produce
270. governed: administered, overseen
271. graded: classified, sorted, categorized
272. granted: approved, allowed, decided
273. greeted: hailed or welcomed
274. grouped: gathered, assembled, congregated
275. guided: directed, showed
276. handled: held, moved, controlled
277. helped: aided, assisted, facilitated
278. hired: rented, appointed, employed
279. hosted: presented or accommodated
I280. identified: to establish as being a particular person or thing
281. illuminated: to supply with light
282. illustrated: to show clearly, demonstrated
283. implemented: carry out, accomplish
284. improved: to enhance in value or quality
285. improvised: to make, invent or arrange offhand
286. inaugurated: to induct a person into an office
287. incorporated: united in one body
288. increased: make or become something greater
289. incurred: to become liable or subject to
290. individualized: particularize
291. indoctrinated: to instruct in fundamentals or sectarian opinion
292. induced: persuade or influence
293. influenced: to affect or alter by intangible means
294. initiated: to cause or facilitate the beginning of something
295. innovated: to effect change, to introduce as new
296. inquired: to search or investigate
297. inspected: to view closely, to examine officially
298. inspired: outstanding, brilliant
299. installed: to place in an office, induct
300. instigated: to goad or provoke
301. instilled: to impart gradually
302. instituted: to establish or organize
303. instructed: to give knowledge, teach or train
304. insured: compensation of life or property upon loss
305. integrated: unified control
306. interacted: to act upon one another
307. interpreted: to explain in understandable terms
308. intervened: to come in between, to hinder
309. interviewed: a formal consultation to evaluate performance
310. introduced: to bring something or someone for the first time
311. invented: find, discover, fabricate
312. inventoried: to catalogue
313. invested: to grant control or authority
314. investigated: to inquire, study, examine systematically
315. invited: to request the pleasure or participation of someone
316. involved: implicated, concerned in some affair
317. isolated: separated from others, alone, solitary
318. issued: putting forth, promulgating, distributing
J319. joined: to bring into contact, connect
320. judged: to pass a critical judgement
321. justified: to show to be right
K322. kept: simple past tense of keep
323. key: something affording means of access
L324. launched: to send forth, start, initiate
325. lectured: a speech or reprimand
326. led: simple past tense of lead
327. lightened: to become lighter or illuminated
328. liquidated: to settle debts or get rid of someone by killing
329. litigated: subject of a lawsuit
330. lobbied: a group campaigning to influence members
331. localized: particular place or locality
332. located: establish a position or situation
333. logged: to enter a log, compile, amass
334. maintained: to preserve, retain
335. managed: to govern or control
336. mapped: represent, delineate
337. marketed: trade or traffic in a particular commodity
338. maximized: to increase to the greatest possible amount
339. measured: accurately regulated or proportioned
340. mediated: reconcile warring parties, settle disputes
341. merchandised: manufactured goods bought and sold
342. merged: coalesce, unite, blend
343. minimized: to reduce to the smallest portion
344. modelled: representation, imitation or comparison
345. moderated: kept within reasonable or proper limits
346. modernized: give a new modern character
347. modified: changed, alter partially
348. monitored: supervise, admonish
349. motivated: incite, impel
350. moved: advance, progress
351. multiplied: to increase manifold
352. named: appellation, designation, title
353. narrated: to give account of or to tell a story
354. navigated: to move through or over water
355. negotiated: to deal or bargain with the other
356. netted: net income or profit
357. noticed: information, warning, announcement
358. nurtured: to bring up, train, educate
359. observed: to perceive, watch, notice
360. obtained: to come into possession of, to acquire
361. offered: to present for acceptance or rejection
362. opened: relatively free for obstructions
363. operated: to work, perform, function
364. orchestrated: to arrange or manipulate
365. ordered: neatly arranged, well-organized
366. organized: having a formal structure
367. oriented: to adjust with relation to
368. originated: start, arise, begin
369. overhauled: to make necessary repairs
370. oversaw: to direct, supervise
P371. participated: shared, took part in something
372. patterned: configuration, design
373. performed: to carry out, execute, to do
374. persuaded: to prevail upon, advise, to urge
375. phased: process of change or development
376. photographed: suitable for a picture in a specific way
377. pinpointed: to describe something exactly or precisely
378. pioneered: first to do something
379. placed: to be put in a particular spot or position
380. planned: scheme or method of doing something
381. polled: collecting opinion samples on a subject
382. prepared: properly organized or equipped
383. proffer: offer
384. propose: to suggest for consideration
385. presented: to introduce or submit something
386. preserved: to keep alive or in existence
387. presided: in position of authority, presided
388. prevented: to hinder or stop from doing something
389. processed: to move forward or continue and action
390. procured: to bring about, obtain
391. profiled: represent or outline a person or thing
392. programmed: a plan of action schedule, procedure
393. projected: something contemplated, devised or planned
394. promoted: advance in rank or dignity, to flourish
395. prompted: to assist a person to do something
396. proposed: to offer or suggest
397. proved: to establish the truth or genuineness of something
398. provided: to make available, furnish
399. publicized: to bring to notice, to advertise
400. published: to issue for sale or distribution
401. purchased: to acquire something by payment of money
402. pursued: to follow closely
Q403. quantified: to determine the quantity of something
404. qualified: having the qualities or accomplishments
405. quoted: to repeat a passage from a book, an excerpt
406. raised: elevate; move to a higher position
407. ranked: social or official position; social class hierarchy
408. rated: price; degree of speed or progress
409. received: to take into one’s possession, something bestowed
410. recommended: to suggest, advice as an alternative
411. reconciled: become amicable; to settle a dispute
412. recorded: to set down in writing
413. recovered: to get back or regain something
414. recruited: newly enlisted or drafted member
415. rectified: to correct, set right
416. redesigned: to prepare pans or sketch once again
417. reduced: to bring down to a smaller level
418. refined: free from impurities
419. regained: to gain again; to recover
420. registered: recorded; enrolled
421. regulated: to control or direct by a rule
422. rehabilitated: to restore to good health; ability to work
423. reinforced: to strength with some support
424. reinstated: to establish again in a former position
425. rejected: to refuse to recognize or grant permission
426. remedied: something that cures or corrects
427. remodelled: to model again; to reconstruct
428. renegotiated: to re-examine and convince
429. reorganized: to organize again
430. repaired: to repair or renew
431. replaced: to provide substitute or equivalence
432. reported: a widely circulated statement
433. represented: to designate, denote
434. researched: a systematic inquiry
435. resolved: firm purpose or intent
436. responded: to answer, reply
437. restored: to bring back to the former condition
438. restructured: to change fundamentally, to restore
439. resulted: consequence of actions
440. retained: to keep possession of
441. retrieved: to recover or regain
442. revamped: to renovate, redo
443. revealed: to make known, disclose
444. reversed: opposite or contrary in position
445. reviewed: to go over a subject again
446. revised: to amend or alter an opinion
447. revitalized: to give new life to something
448. rewarded: something given or received as recompense
449. safeguarded: ensuring safety
450. salvaged: saving from danger
451. saved: to rescue; avoid spending
452. screened: to show a movie; selection
453. secured: protect from danger; to get hold of
454. segmented: something divided
455. selected: choice, preference
456. separated: to keep apart
457. served: to render assistance, to offer a meal
458. serviced: to help
459. settled: resolve or agree
460. shaped: designed
461. shortened: reduced
462. shrank: contract, draw back
463. signed: symbol, name token of indication
464. simplified: to make less complex
465. simulated: to create a likeness
466. sold: to transfer goods for money
467. solicited: to seek for something
468. solved: to find the answer or explanation
469. spearheaded: leading an attack
470. specialized: to pursue some special line of study
471. specified: to mention specifically, definitely
472. speculated: to engage in thought or reflection
473. spoke: to articulate
474. spread: to stretch or open
475. stabilized: to maintain level or quality
476. staffed: a group employed to do some work
477. staged: occurring as planned
478. standardized: to make an established standard
479. steered: to guide on a given course
480. stimulated: to rouse to action
481. strategized: to finalize a plan
482. streamlined: designed to give maximum efficiency; compact
483. strengthened: to make stronger
484. stressed: give importance or significance
485. structured: manifesting defined organization
486. studied: marked by conscious effort
487. submitted: to yield to power or authority; to hand in
488. substantiated: provide proof or competent evidence
489. substituted: acting or serving in place of another
490. suggested: to mention or introduce an idea or suggestion
491. superseded: to replace in power or authority
492. supervised: to oversee
493. supplied: to furnish or provide what is lacking
494. supported: to sustain or withstand
495. surpassed: go beyond
496. surveyed: to take a comprehensive view
497. synchronized: same rate and exactly together
498. systematized: to arrange according to a system
499. tabulated: calculated or determined by math calculation
T500. tailored: made-to-order
501. targeted: goal to be reached
502. taught: to impart knowledge or skill
503. tightened: secure, fasten
504. took: acquire, procure
505. traced: sign, track, residue
506. traded: buying, selling, exchanging
507. trained: instruct
508. transacted: to conduct business
509. transferred: to remove from one place to another
510. transformed: to change, convert
511. translated: to change from one language into another
512. transmitted: to send or communicate information
513. transported: carried from one place to another; moved
514. treated: to behave in a specific manner; to negotiate
515. tripled: three times
516. troubleshot: to help overcome a problem
517. tutored: to instruct
518. uncovered: no protection or collateral
519. underlined: underscore, emphasize
520. underscored: draw a line beneath something, emphasize
521. undertook: to take upon oneself to do
522. underwrote: to show agreement or support
523. unearthed: to dig out, to find
524. unified: to make a single unit
525. united: harmony, single entity
526. updated: to bring up to date
527. upgraded: new version, improved model
528. urged: to push, impel, incite
529. used: worn out, utilized
530. utilized: to put to use, make profitable
531. validated: substantiate, confirm
532. valued: highly regarded, esteemed
533. verbalized: express in words
534. verified: confirm the accuracy through evidence
535. viewed: behold, inspect
536. visited: to go to and stay with a person
537. visualized: to recall or make a mental image or picture
538. voiced: expressed vocally
539. volunteered: offer service or undertaking
540. weathered: seasoned by exposure
541. wastage: loss by wear, decay
542. weighed: additional weight
543. welcomed: kindly greeting upon arrival
544. widened: broad or expanded
545. withstood: hold out against, resist
546. witnessed: to be present at an occurrence
547. won: to finish first
548. worked: effort directed to produce something
549. wrote: to trace letters or words
Y550. yielded: to give forth or produce